AospExtended Q v7.1 Changelog | AOSP Extended

AospExtended Q v7.1 Changelog

April 11,2020

Shubham Singh, Shubham Bhise, Amol Amrit

  • Merge April security patch (10.0.0_r33)
  • Update all of our packages
  • Update pre-built apks
  • Add LS media art blur customisation
  • Add toggle for FP with vibration
  • Add toggle for persistent settings icon on QS panel
  • Add option to force full screen aspect ratio on pre-O applications
  • Add volume key cursor control
  • Add in-call vibration options
  • Add toggle for display data disabled indicator
  • Add toggle for roaming indicator
  • Add HW navigation button light customisation
  • Add HW key disable support
  • Add support for home button wake
  • Add CPU info overlay
  • Add LS visualiser with customisation
  • Add toggle for QS footer warnings
  • Add smart pull down
  • Add brightness slider position customisation
  • Add brightness slider toggle
  • Add auto-brightness icon toggle
  • Add status bar brightness control gesture
  • Add battery bar
  • Add less boring heads-up
  • Add option to mute media with gesture
  • Add kill app button to notification guts
  • Add custom carrier label and label placement
  • Add notch support for carrier label
  • Add custom rounded corner and padding preferences
  • Add CM screen security customisation (Custom pattern size, Dots visibility etc.)
  • Add toggle to DT2W on doze
  • Add battery/notification light customisation
  • Add toggle for on-screen navigation bar with customisation
  • Add option to swap recents and back
  • Add fruity pebbles for switching accent colour
  • Add theme QS tile
  • Improve auto-brightness slider UI/UX
  • Bring back our system themes
  • Fix few theming issues
  • There is a new boot animation!
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

In this tough time, we hope that everyone is safe. Condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. Guys, we can pull through this together. Please try to stay at home and be safe. Thank you for your support and love.